
Economy 2024-05-14T15:14:13Z
Recession outlook, going out of business, economy

'The economy and stock market have never seen anything like this': There's an unprecedented number of recession signs flashing, veteran strategist says

The next recession has likely been postponed by the trillions of stimulus spent during the pandemic, according to one Wall Street vet.
Economy 2024-05-14T13:19:52Z
Don't call them DINKs.

Don't call them DINKs. Many childfree adults are ALICEs.

Half of Americans living in deep poverty are childfree adults because it's harder to access certain tax and government assistance without kids.
Economy 2024-05-14T10:03:02Z
sad millennial man in kitchen

Americans with a college degree say they'd need at least a $100K salary to change jobs. But roles that pay in that range are getting harder to find.

It'll take at least a $100,000 salary to convince Americans with a degree to change jobs, New York Fed survey finds.
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