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There's a convincing theory about Jon Snow's real name on 'Game of Thrones'

Jon Snow Game of Thrones
Your name isn't "Jon Snow," Jon Snow. HBO

WARNING: Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones" season six.


Fans finally got to see the rest of the "Tower of Joy" flashback and learn the truth about Jon Snow’s parentage in the season six finale of "Game of Thrones."

However, some discomforting news went along with the fact that Lyanna Sark and Rhaegar Targaryen are his parents — Jon Snow’s name may not even be "Jon Snow."

Thankfully, one Reddit user may have solved the mystery.

In a post on the /r/GameofThrones subreddit, user sparkledavisjr broke down his theory on why Jon Snow’s name could be Jaehaerys.


As fans of the series know, Lyanna whispered "His name is—" to Ned in the finale of season six. Though the audio was cut out when she spoke the baby’s name, people have been trying to guess the name ever since.

Lyanna Ned part one
"His name is [audio cuts out]." HBO

But after watching the scene "about fifty times," Redditor sparkledavisjr believes Lyanna says a three syllable name that starts with a "J." And he makes a pretty convincing argument that it could be Jaehaerys:

Jaehaerys I was the 4th Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He was known as "the Wise," "The Conciliator," and "the Old King." His long rule was prosperous and he was aided by his sister-wife Alysanne, who convinced Jaehaerys to expand the Night's Watch and granted them the land now known as the New Gift.

Jaehaerys II was Jon's great-grandfather. His reign was short due to his ill-health (only 3 years), but still a good one. Jaehaerys restored stability to the realm, ended the Blackfyre threat during the war of the Ninepenny kings, and improved relations with the major houses who were unhappy during his father's rule (Aegon V - Egg, the brother of Maester Aemon).


If Lyanna was in love with Rhaegar (as seems likely), it makes sense for their son to have a Targaryen traditional name like his siblings Aegon and Rhaenys. Jaehaerys would be a good pick as the name isn't associated with any real negative connotations, like Aerys, Maegor, etc. Not only is Jaehaerys the great-grandfather of Jon, he was the King who received the original prophecy about the Prince Who Was Promised from the woods witch with Jenny of Oldstones.

This prophecy is what caused Jaehaerys to force his children Aerys and Rhaella to marry, because it was prophesied that the PTWP would be born of their line. Rhaegar was aware of this prophecy, and while he originally thought that he was the PTWP, he realized later he was not and that it would be one of his children. That is why he took/seduced Lyanna in the first place. His wife Elia could not have any more children, and he knew there must be a third child (The dragon must have three heads).

Very convincing! So why is Jon’s name Jon in the series if his parents named him Jaehaerys?

Could his name really be "Jaehaerys Targaryen"? HBO

Ned Stark had a history of naming his children after people in his life that were important to him — Robb is named after Robert Baratheon, Bran is named after Ned’s brother Brandon as well as other famous Brandons throughout Stark history, and Rickon was named after Ned’s father Rickard Stark.


Ned likely renamed the baby after his mentor Jon Arryn, who both Ned and Robert squired for in the Vale growing up. Jon was a role model to Ned, so it would make sense that he would name one of his children after him.

It would also draw much less suspicion from Robert, who Lyanna told Ned in the season finale would kill her son if he found out about him. "If Robert finds out, he’ll kill him, you know he will," Lyanna said on her deathbed. "You have to protect him. Promise me, Ned."

To be fair, she was probably right — Robert loved Lyanna fiercely and essentially started the rebellion that overthrew the Taragaryen empire because Rhaegar "kidnapped" her. The war was a way to get her back just as much as it was a rebellion against the "Mad King" Aerys Targaryen. 

Robert Baratheon Game of Thrones
Robert Baratheon would probably not allow the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna to live. HBO

By naming the baby Jon instead of Jaehaerys, Ned would have protected the child as well as avoided awkward questions from his good friend Robert about why he chose a traditional Targaryen name for his supposed bastard son.


As for his last name, Jon is likely not even a "Snow." Illigitimate children in Westeros are given the bastard name of the region they’re born in — Waters for King’s Landing and Dragonstone, Snow for the North, Pyke for the Iron Islands, Rivers for the Riverlands, Stone for the Vale, Hill for the Westerlands, Flowers for the Reach, Storm for the Stormlands, and Sand for Dorne. 

If Jon had been born in the North, his last name would be Snow, but given the fact that he was born just outside of Dorne, his name could actually be Sand.

And that’s not even to mention if Rhaegar and Lyanna had somehow gotten secretly married. If so, Jon Snow’s real name could actually be Jaehaerys Targaryen.

You can read the full theory on Reddit here.

Game of Thrones Reddit
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