How to block those stick figure 'Be Like Bill' memes from your Facebook feed

Be Like Me
You don't have to see these anymore. Facebook

If your Facebook newsfeed feels like it's been taken over by an army of stick figure memes, have no fear. There is a simple way to hide those "Be Like Bill" posts permanently. 


In case you're not familiar, "Be Like Bill" is a new Facebook meme that pokes fun at the ways we behave online. Using an online generator, people all over the world have been sharing their own customized versions. While the first "Be Like Bill" meme you read might seem funny, with hundreds of people sharing them the memes start to get old quickly. 

Here's how to get Bill out of your newsfeed for good.


1. Find a friend who posted one of the memes.

Be Like Me block

2. Click this arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the post.

Be Like Me Block

3. Select "I don't like this post" from the drop down menu.

Be Like Me Block

4. Choose "It's annoying or not interesting" and click "Continue."

Be Like Me Block step 4

5. To permanently hide posts from this meme-generator, click "Hide all from Blobla app" and then click "Done."

Be Like Me Block step 5

That's it. You're free of the memes. Fair warning, there are a few different "Be Like Bill" meme generators out there, but you can just repeat these steps to permanently banish Bill for good.

Be Like Me block step 6
Digital Culture memes Facebook
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